Our show grounds are the Wild West Days Grounds on Nelson Parkway, East of the Fairgrounds.
If you are coming in from the North, you will turn left at the first stoplight (Fairlane Dr & Hwy BB).
You will take the third right turn onto Nelson Parkway. The grounds are about 1/2 mile ahead on the left. Just look
for the "Old West" village!
If you are coming from the East on Hwy 82 & 56, You will turn right at the 1st stoplight and go north
past the Fairgrounds & Wal-Mart. At he next light, turn right onto Fairlane Dr & Hwy BB then turn right at the third
street which is Nelson Parkway. The grounds are about 1/2 mile ahead on the left.
If you are coming from the South on Hwy 82, 61, 14 & 27, go all the way through town past the Fairgrounds
and Wal-Mart. Turn right at the next light onto Fairlane Dr & Hwy BB then turn right at the third street which is Nelson
Parkway. The grounds are about 1/2 mile ahead on the left.
If you are coming in from the West on Hwy 56, turn left at the intersection with Hwys 14, 27, 61 & 82.
Go North past the Fairgrounds and Wal-Mart and turn right at the next stoplight onto Fairlane Dr & Hwy BB then turn right
at the third street which is Nelson Parkway. The grounds are about 1/2 mile ahead on the left.
Hope to see you there!